Tag Archive for recovery

Olympic sprinter Adam Gemili

Team GB Sprinter Adam Gemili on relaxation, recovery & Floatation

Our good friend Adam Gemili talks about injury recovery, performance and how relaxation following competition and training helps him to de-stress and unwind using our Floatation Pods here at Calm Water. “Being mentally strong is as important as being physically strong, if not more. If you’ve got two athletes and they’re both in a great place physically then the one… Read more →

Performance Athlete Recovery with REST

A 2014 academic study from the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, that investigates the benefits of REST and Floatation Therapy for Performance Athletes. This study looks in-depth at the intrinsic benefits that therapy can bring to any athletes performance, recovery and how it is able to significantly improve both. Read the full details and findings… Read more →