Tag Archive for performance athlete

Man relaxing in floatation tank

Australian Sports Commission cites benefits of REST

The Australian Sports Commission has cited the benefits of REST and floatation therapy for professional athletes all the way back in 2004! The article in their monthly publication was related to controlling emotions and sports persons managing this through psycho-regulatory training (PRT), and even back then refer to is as one of “the most frequently used PRT techniques”. Even over a decade… Read more →

Row Row Row Your Boat…

A study performed in 1999 by Sean Richardson studied the effects of ‘Enhancing Mental Training and Rowing Ergometer Performance through Flotation REST’. In this study the effects on performance are measured of rowers and how they benefit from Floatation. The study clearly demonstrates how performance athletes are able to use Floatation Therapy to improve almost every area of their performance from… Read more →