Tag Archive for improved sleep

Man relaxing in floatation tank

Decrease stress, depression, anxiety, and pain…then just float!

A study looking at stress-related ill-health such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia in relation to sick leave has come up with some fantastic findings and, through randomised trials, has proven the benefits in relation to receiving the aforementioned issues and their associated symptoms. The study demonstrates clear benefit of REST floatation and its ability to facilitate the reduction of “stress-related… Read more →

Improve your sleep… Reduce your stress…

A controlled research study authored by Anette Kjellgren of Karlstad University, Sweden, has confirmed that there is a “significant correlation between mindfulness in daily life and degree of altered states of consciousness during the relaxation in the flotation tank.” To clarify, this means that Floatation Therapy (as well as being relaxing itself) enables you to sleep better with a better quality… Read more →