
For most of us modern life is often a full-on assault on our senses, technology, the daily commute, traffic, work, kids, noisy neighbours all lead to the build-up of stress and these days it really doesn’t take too long for things to really get on top of us and for the stress to start affect your everyday life.

The importance of ‘down’ time is well documented, but a state of true relaxation is an impossibility for many of us and the importance of it has been lost along with the time do so.

Floatation therapy is the modern tool to deal with our modern pace of life and allows us to return balance to our lives, whilst still allowing us to keep pace with the world.

Just 1 hour of Floatation Therapy triggers the body’s ability to…

Reduce: Stress, anxiety, pain from injury and medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, high heart rate, muscle tension, back pain. Improve: Low mood and depression, sleep problems and Insomnia, creative thinking and problem solving and concentration strength and span, cardio vascular efficiency, uptake of nutrients and oxygen. Strengthen: The Immune system, Lymphatic System drainage and Toxin removal, self… Read more →

Axniety Uninstalled

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and treatment using Floatation

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by a (more or less) constant state of excessive worry and anxiety, with symptoms such as poor sleep, muscle tension, irritability, and fatigue. GAD is a relatively common disorder, and has been associated with considerable suffering and functional impairment, as well as high costs for society…Treatment is usually found in the form of Anti Depressants,… Read more →

Man relaxing in floatation tank

Decrease stress, depression, anxiety, and pain…then just float!

A study looking at stress-related ill-health such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia in relation to sick leave has come up with some fantastic findings and, through randomised trials, has proven the benefits in relation to receiving the aforementioned issues and their associated symptoms. The study demonstrates clear benefit of REST floatation and its ability to facilitate the reduction of “stress-related… Read more →

Benefits of stress management

This paper looked at data from a variety of studies and research papers and focused on the benefits of secondary prevention, relaxation techniques being one of the most popular techniques for stress management. All relaxation techniques focus on reducing muscle tension, calming the mind, reducing symptoms of stress, and improving wellbeing. There are many relaxation techniques that are well documented and researched,… Read more →

Improve your sleep… Reduce your stress…

A controlled research study authored by Anette Kjellgren of Karlstad University, Sweden, has confirmed that there is a “significant correlation between mindfulness in daily life and degree of altered states of consciousness during the relaxation in the flotation tank.” To clarify, this means that Floatation Therapy (as well as being relaxing itself) enables you to sleep better with a better quality… Read more →