About Calm Water

Calm Water Floatation Centre is a unique concept in the relaxation, leisure and complimentary therapies sector. We are a dedicated floatation tank centre providing Floatation Therapy or REST (Restricted Environment Stimulus Therapy) at an affordable price, in an accessible and stylish location and, the first of its kind to be located in the Midlands region.

Floating weightlessly your body is perfectly supported by a cushion of silky, skin-temperature Epsom Salt solution. Freed from all sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound you conserve and redirect vast amounts of natural physical and mental energy, and with little to do, the brain begins to slow down and relax....Every single muscle in the body is allowed to totally relax, with ear plugs in and, if you wish, the tank’s interior lights off, the quietness and the darkness allow the mind to drift into the deepest state of relaxation possible. Find out more...

Floatation News & Research

Have you seen our new, low everyday £33 price?

This year, to make Floatation Therapy as accessible as we can, we’re simplifying our whole pricing structure down to a single, everyday low price of just £33!!! The new lower price is available to everyone, without the need to commit to a yearlong multi session package, or by introducing a complicated gym style, monthly charged ‘membership’. You’ll still receive the… Read more →

Just 1 hour of Floatation Therapy triggers the body’s ability to…

Reduce: Stress, anxiety, pain from injury and medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, high heart rate, muscle tension, back pain. Improve: Low mood and depression, sleep problems and Insomnia, creative thinking and problem solving and concentration strength and span, cardio vascular efficiency, uptake of nutrients and oxygen. Strengthen: The Immune system, Lymphatic System drainage and Toxin removal, self… Read more →

A fascinating and insightful blog from our friend Kerry Needs…

  Kerry is the owner of  ‘Whole Science’ magazine as well being a blogger in her own right and is a business consultant specialising in mindful business practices and reducing work place stress. With a degree in Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology, NLP and Hypnotherapy, Kerry is in a fairly unique position  from which to explore the psychological effects of Floatation Therapy.… Read more →

Olympic sprinter Adam Gemili

Team GB Sprinter Adam Gemili on relaxation, recovery & Floatation

Our good friend Adam Gemili talks about injury recovery, performance and how relaxation following competition and training helps him to de-stress and unwind using our Floatation Pods here at Calm Water. “Being mentally strong is as important as being physically strong, if not more. If you’ve got two athletes and they’re both in a great place physically then the one… Read more →